Diplomové práce / Theses (KMT) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 254
Karásková, Jana
Srovnání transmisivního a konstruktivistického přístupu ve výuce vybraných partií matematiky v 1. a 2. ročníku ZŠ

The diploma thesis deals with the issue of two different approaches in teaching mathematics at primary school. It consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the definition and concept of mathematics, the concept of mathematical literacy, defines the...

Capová, Petra
Inkluzivní vzdělávání v matematice na 1. stupni

This thesis deals with processing of the information about "Inclusive Education of Mathematics in Primary Schools". This study is divided into two parts - theoretical part and practical part. Theoretical part deals with the inclusive education, spheres which are slightly related wi...

Hessová, Ivana
Úroveň prostorové orientace a jemné motoriky u dětí mladšího školního věku se specifickými poruchami učení (SPU) a její rozvoj

The diploma thesis focuses not only on the primary school second grade pupils with specific learning disabilities but also on the level of their fine motor skills, on orientation in space and on the possible subsequent development. Moreover, the thesis tries to determine the p...

Nováková, Hana
Badatelské experimenty s různými materiály na 1. stupni ZŠ

This master's thesis is focused on experiments with various kinds of materials during manual-skills lessons on primary school. Pupils of 3rd - 5thgrade of primary school participated in this experiment. The aim was that pupils got to know about characteristics of each kind...

Jarábková, Lucie
Badatelsky orientovaná výuka technických předmětů na 1. stupni ZŠ

This thesis deals with inquiry based instruction which is more common part of educational process at primary schools. In these days i it is very popular method because of it is connection whit other subjects. The inquiry based instruction extends pupils knowledges and they can...

Kasíková, Veronika
Rozvoj klíčových kompetencí žáků ZŠ ve vzdělávací oblasti Člověk a svět práce na 1. stupni ZŠ

The diploma thesis focuses on the topic Developing key competences of primary pupils in educational area Humans and the World of Work. The thesis is divided into two parts - a theoretical and a practical. The theoretical part applies itself to key competences, their...

Randa, Michal
Počítačem řízené stroje ve výuce na základních školách

The aim of the thesis was to present a suggestion for the use of CNC machines in the education process on elementary schools. The thesis contains a comprehensive assignment, the result of which is a set of components for an educational game. The assignment was, in a&...

Bock, Kateřina
Využití ICT ve výuce matematiky na 1. stupni ZŠ

The aim of the diploma thesis was to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the use of ICT among primary school pupils and to determine which procedures for the use of ICT in mathematics teaching are appropriate for these pupils. The research took place in a se...

Vonásková, Kristýna
Současný stav předmětu technická výchova na základních školách na Hořovicku

The diploma thesis is devoted to the analysis of the current state of the subject of technical education on the second level of primary schools in Horovice region. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and research part. The theoretical part is focused on...

Příkazská, Tereza
Lidové zvyky a tradice na 1. stupni ZŠ

The diploma thesis describes folk customs and traditions in the Czech Republic in the context of their historical development till the present days. It makes familiar with traditions, customs and habits within the seasons and focuses on their applicability in the school environment,...

Bělašková, Pavla
Posloupnosti reálných čísel a řešené příklady

This thesis deals with sequences, their properties, forms assignment and solved examples. This thesis provides a brief overview of formulas and types of examples for basic sequences - arihtmetic sequence, geometric sequence, and regular increment and regular loss. It also provides an ov...

Štaifová, Barbora
Znázorňování a zobrazovaní těles na 2. st. ZŠ

This thesis was focused on presenting and depiction of the solids for the lower secondary school. Specifically, the free parallel projection and the orthogonal projection on two projection planes that are perpendicular to each other. The first chapter was focused on the history of&...

Ulrychová, Barbora
Dirichletův princip

This thesis deals with the Dirichlet principle. It contains a definition of the Dirichlet principle in both basic and general versions. It also includes a short description of the life and work of Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, the man after which the principle was...

Anselmová, Monika
Nerovnosti a nerovnice na ZŠ

In my thesis I analyze the inequalities and inequations that occur at primary school. I deal with inequalities in general and also their specific form in individual years of primary school.

Dvořáková, Renata
Mezipředmětové vazby ve výuce matematiky a ostatních předmětů na prvním stupni ZŠ

The main topic of the dissertation is "Interdisciplinary Relations in Mathematics and other Primary Subjects". Interdisciplinary relations are not uniformly defined in any modern literature. There is no single study available to help apply mathematics to other subjects in practice. The&...

Chmelíková, Michaela
Didaktická hra ve vyučování matematice na 1. stupni ZŠ jako nástroj rozvoje žákovských kompetencí

The Diploma thesis is divided into three parts. The theoretical part which summarizes the knowledge from the study of specialized literature. The practical part whitch is focused on didactic plays in the curriculum of mathematics. And research part which is focused on the developme...

Trávníčková, Andrea
Činnosti vedoucí ke správnému chápání prostorových útvarů na 1. stupni ZŠ

My thesis is focused on the activities leading to the correct understanding of three dimensional shapes at primary schools. The work is divided into two parts: a theoretical and practical. The practical one solves a concept of a dimensional shape. Moreover it deals with its&#x...

Jůnová, Radka
Velikonoční zvyky a tradice na 1. stupni ZŠ

My thesis deals with customs and traditions connected with Easter, regarded the most important feast of the liturgical year. The thesis is divided to a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on Easter history and describes the origin, meaning and comparison&...

Pechová, Radka
Vybraná specifika kreativního žákovského produktu a jeho evaluace

This diploma thesis is focused on selected specifics of the creative pupil product and its evaluation. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the creativity of first degree pupils without submitting a sample of the product or its workflow. The work will also evaluate the&...

Šuster, Zdeněk
Některé algoritmy pro prvočíselné rozklady

One of the aims of this thesis is to get acquainted with prime numbers and factorization methods. First, an important concept for this thesis, i.e. a prime number, is also explained, as well as a prime quote. These terms play an important role in factorization methods...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 254