Diplomové práce / Theses (KMM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 151
Lukášek, Ondřej
Orbitální svařování heterogenních svarových spojů

The diploma thesis deals with the optimalization of orbital welding parameters for heterogenous welded joints between austenitic and carbon steel. The theoretical part desribes the behavior of heterogenous welded joints during welding, TIG welding and technology of orbital welding. The experiment...

Vach, Ondřej
Testování polymerních síťovin používaných v zemědělství

The subject of the diploma thesis was the investigation of PE-HD nets and their behavior at elevated temperatures and humidity together with a constant load. So exactly the same conditions as nets on baled hay are usually found. The aim was to obtain a methodology that&#x...

Klaisnerová, Jitka
Perspektivní metody nedestruktivního zkoušení pro použití v energetice

This diploma thesis is focused on the control of the application method of non-destructive testing in certain areas in energy industry, namely the control of heterogeneous welds, fiberglass material and measuring the gap of the pressure vessel and biological shielding. The methods used&...

Opatová, Kateřina
Vývoj zpracování vysokolegované nástrojové oceli v semi-solid stavu

The diploma thesis deals with the processing of experimental high-alloy tool steel in a semi-solid state. To achieve the required mechanical properties, it was necessary to design and test various parameters of thermal and mechanical treatment. The results were metallographically analyzed. E...

Veselý, Vilém
Vliv rostoucí agresivity korozního prostředí na vrubový účinek korozního poškození svarového spoje

This thesis deals with corrosion of heterogeneous welds. Describes known types of corrosion and corrosive environments. Describes the technology of production of heterogeneous welds and NDT methods used for their inspection. The thesis proposes and performs an experiment consisting in subjecting&...

Zavitkovská, Jana
Úprava povrchových vlastností austenitických ocelí s ohledem na korozní odolnost

The diploma thesis deals with the modification of the surface properties of austenitic steels using LSP technology. With this technology, residual compressive stresses are introduced into the surface layer. These stresses improve the mechanical properties of the material, but also affect the...

Leták, Radek
Korozní odolnost slitin neželezných kovů nitridování

The aim of this master's thesis was to create a nitriding layer on non-ferrous metals. Non-ferrous metals were included to the nitriding process to improve their mechanical properties, such as toughness, abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance. All of the samples were afterwards...

Šotová, Petra
Studium biokompatibilních slitin titanu metodou XPS

This work is focused on a study of titanium sample surfaces by mean of XPS method. The work is devided into a theoretical and an experimental part. The description of XPS method, material biocompatibility and chemical composition of titanium surfaces are described in theoretical&#x...

Váchal, Václav
Využití laserových zdrojů k navařování mědi na substrát z oceli W. Nr. 1.4541.

This thesis is focused on the issues of laser cladding of high-purity copper on steel substrate. The aim of this work is to assessment the quality of samples that were claded by laser sources emitting short wavelength radiation ( 450-1100 nm). Metallographic analysis an...

Dlouhá, Žaneta
Kontrola a charakteristika kalících médií

This diploma thesis is focused on the selection of a suitable quenching media and the evaluation of parameters by which this selection can be made. The target of the work is to determine parameter which best describes the quenching ability of the oil.

Duliškovič, Josef
Testování korozní odolnosti laserových návarů na bázi měď-čedič ve specifických korozních prostředích

The diploma thesis deals with the corrosion resistance of laser cladding of copper-basalt composite layer in the enviroment of organic acrylic acids.

Hervert, Tomáš
Porézní častice jako nosiče pro katalytické nanomateriály.

The aim of this work is to optimize the conditions of the preparation of floating supports of catalytic nanomaterials for the degradation of organic compounds. The resulting products are characterized using various analytical methods. After coating the porous structures with photocatalytic n...

Nováček, Petr
Vliv tepelně mechanického zpracování na mikrostrukturu a vlastnosti oceli se zvýšeným obsahem hliníku

This thesis deals with the influence of thermo - mechanical processing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TRIP steel with higher aluminium content. Different thermo - mechanical conditions were provided to determine the influence of temperature, bainite isothermal holding and ...

Tochylin, Mykhailo
Optimalizace svařovacích parametrů technologie GMAW, pro robotické svařování pozinkovaných oceli v automobilovém průmyslu

The diploma thesis includes a case study on an applicable range of welding parameters, namely the Welding speed, Wire feed speed, and Wire target point against the base materials. Additionally, the author of the thesis suggests optimal figures of the above mentioned parameters for&...

Procházková, Adéla
Testování korozní odolnosti heterogenního svaru

The thesis is focused on heterogeneous welded joints of ferritic-pearlitic steel and austenitic stainless steel. These connections are part of the pipelines of the steam generator of nuclear power plants, where the problem of stress corrosion cracking was found. The experimental part of...

Janda, Tomáš
Optimalizace parametrů stabilizačního žíhání na oceli 08Ch18N10T

The work deals with the stabilization annealing of austenitic steel 08CH18N10T. Parts for the primary circuit of a nuclear reactor are produced of this steel; therefore increased yield strength at 350 ° C is necessary. The required values are achieved, inter alia, by precipitation&...

Brázda, Michal
Vliv parametrů depozice na výsledné vlastnosti kovových komponent vytvořených pomocí metody přímé laserové depozice

The aim of the diploma thesis is to examine the impact of deposition parametres on properties of metal parts. It compares results of various testing - hardness test, micro tensile test and micro crack test. Another set of testing on deposited material follows, in particular&#x...

Volkmannová, Julie
Využití dilatometrie při TZ vysoce pevných ocelí.

This diploma thesis deals with the use of dilatometry for the development of heat treatment of the new experimental high-strength steels, which currently have great potential for use in the automotive industry. Dilatometric analysis was performed in this work on experimental high-stren...

Trčka, Jan
Technologický postup výroby sonotrody pro ultrazvukové svařování.

The diploma thesis is focused on problems in the ultrasonic wellding technology, especially on welding tools - sonotrodes. The current tools are faulty and buying a new tools from used materials is very expensive. The work contains the complete technological process of production o...

Stach, Ondřej
Optimalizace robotického svařování

This work deals with the issue of dissimilar metals welds between austenitic and ferritic-pearlitic steel pipes. In the theoretical part there is described how the welding process influences the properties of the weld. The orbital welding process is also described in the theoretical...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 151